REPLACE / ENTER This command is the same as the "Enter" key on the keyboard. It registers additions or changes into the database. To add a new record to a window in "Grades" click on "Clear Form" if the window shows a record. Filled every field with the data and press the "Enter" key. FIND FIRST Displays the first record of the database corresponding to the active window. FIND NEXT / FIND PREVIOUS Displays the next or previous record (in ascending order of entry) of the active window. This command is only usable if a record is displayed in the active window. FIND LAST Displays the last record of the database corresponding to the active window. CLEAR FORM Clears the active window to introduce a new record. REVERT If you make changes to a record and have not pressed the Enter key you can erase all your changes by executing this command and rebuilding the original record. DELETE Removes the record displayed in the active window from the database. This command is not un-doable. TIME STAMP This handy command types for you the current date and time into a field.